Monthly Archives: November 2011

New job, new blog…


Out with the old, in with the new …

With my recent change in job I felt it was about time to find a new home on the net.  So welcome to a spot for all my ramblings.

I hope to continue blogging mostly about SharePoint, being a kiwi abroad & what ever else takes my fancy.

My old blog will continue to live on here, and I am not planning to migrate posts etc…

What’s up with the weird bird?

@ProvokeZoo “animals” pick a mascot that they think best describes them.  There are lions, tigers, snakes, elephants … you name it there is probably one.  I picked the Kiwi which contrary to popular belief isn’t a fruit (take note, Kiwi Fruit are different).  I felt it was a good choice being a New Zealand abroad.  We print our animal on our business cards and so hopfully it will spark up some interesting discussions to.  For example, did you know that they lay the largest egg in relation to their body size of any species of bird in the world?!?!

I hope I will post here more frequently than my old blog.  Hopefully with a little more of my personal note/takes on things and hopefully something you will find interesting.

In the theme of out with the old and in with the new … here is my new view over Bellevue from Provoke’s new office location.

Provoke Seattle